We Have Snow!
The timing couldn't have been better. We woke up on Saturday morning (that would be December 1st) to a winter wonderland. Even better, the snow was still softly falling. I'm telling you, two of my favorite things in life are snow storms and the ocean. (Yes, I'm aware that they aren't exactly compatible!) Since I can't have the ocean, I'll take my snow storm any day!
Let me clarify, this does not exactly mean that I want snow on the ground all the time. Nor do I necessarily love going out in it. But to be inside my warm house and watch the snow slowly drift down from the sky? I'm in heaven. I wouldn't mind, however, to be sitting outside in the gently falling snow - sitting in a HOT TUB that is. Have you done that before? It's great because the snow NEVER lands on you. It gets close, but the heat from the hot tub melts it before it can give you freezer burn. Awesome.
But anyway, as I was saying, we woke up on Saturday to this snow storm. Unfortunately, I HAD to go out in it. It was the day for my Creative Memories Open House. The roads were slightly treacherous, but I was really more concerned about the morons who were flying along the highway at 70 miles per hour. Seriously. I'm not saying that people ought to creep along at 5 miles per hour (like the moron I had to follow down the on-ramp), but at least use a little bit of common sense and SLOW DOWN! It only takes a small pile of slush or a tiny patch of ice to send a vehicle spinning down the road, something that I witnessed plenty of that morning. My brother even told my Mom, "The roads weren't that bad - well, except for the time that I had to slow from 65 to 30 really fast." AGH!
The snow is not all bad, however. The Princess and The Dragon had a great time playing in the snow. The King was kind enough to snap a few pictures for me, so I thought I'd share their happiness with you. By the way, every picture that The King took showed The Princess looking very eskimo-ish as you can hardly see her face, while The Dragon had a huge grin with her tongue hanging out. Every. Single. One. I find it rather amusing.
Labels: Snow, The Dragon, The Princess
I think I don't want my blog that public. Can I just review YOUR blog on the pay-per-post thing?
I am jealous of your snow storm. We got a measly little inch...no fun for girls to play in. Hopefully soon. Very cute pictures! (And holy cow...I expected you to take a little break from blogging after NaBloPoMo...not 5 posts in a day! Hee hee!)
Anyway, about your questions on photography. Could you email me your camera specs, and your exact questions. I'm guessing you're referring to my header Christmas Tree pictures, but not sure. Anyway, my email is lalakme at gmail.
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