Too Much To Ask
I believe that when people go into business for themselves, or when a company begins to exist, the entity has the right to charge whatever prices they believe are fair and reasonable.
I believe that I have the right to decide what prices are fair and reasonable.
If I don't agree that the entities prices are fair and reasonable, I have the right to choose not to do business with that particular entity.
I do NOT have the right to dictate what prices a company may charge.
I only have the right to choose whether or not I will pay those prices BEFORE I go begin a contract, partnership, service agreement, etc, with them, and once I have agreed to the prices, I have the responsibility to pay for the services received.
Companies that do not fully disclose their prices during negotiations make me very, very angry. Particularly when my concerns over specific charges have been discussed, and supposedly answered honestly.
It is a waste of their time and my time to mislead me, and they know that.
But, they bank on the fact that I will be yet another "idiot customer" who will not read the contract and realize that they are taking me for a complete fool. And because they believe I will fall for their ploy, it is no longer a waste of time for them.
Mortgage lenders are beyond aggravating to me today. While I would love to be able to refinance our mortgage, ALL I REALLY WANT IS SOMEONE WHO IS HONEST. I will admit it, I am picky, and I may very well be searching for "too good of a deal." That is my problem. All I want from a potential lender is the truth about fees, closing costs, and anything else associated with my refinance. "I don't know" is an acceptable answer, as long as they are working on providing me with the actual answer. That's all I want. Just the plain and simple truth.
Is that really too much to ask?
If it has to do with people who make a living playing other people's money, it is. At some point we just have to assume that those people are trying to dupe us out of our money and they will NOT tell us the truth, no matter what. We just have to decide just how much of that duping we'll allow and how much we're OK with spending.
Bankers and Politicians as a rule are all crooks. :)
I suppose you have a point. It's sad that so many people are being taken advantage of. I mean, the "Truth In Lending" document and "Good Faith Estimates" are supposed to help eliminate that. And it's sad that lenders will tell you one thing, but then send out papers that tell you a completely different scenario. And so many people don't even look at them! It's sad.
But you know me... always thinking in my "ideal" world.
You don't want to deal with large phone companies, or credit card companies, either. They are right up there with the bankers, politicians, and lawyers. Thieves, all of them.
Hey Karen, THANK-YOU for your comment on my house and painting. I completely agree with's so emotional to paint over what you love and what you did for your kids. So even though everyone says we should paint, I'm not going to yet. We're going to list it and see what happens.
I need to remember to look at your blog more often. your post about coupons and saving on groceries looked amazing....I wonder if stores do that around here!
i'm not too trusting of anyone who wants my money.
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