Monday, January 21, 2008


I'm not feeling very happy today. Not entirely glum, either, but not very happy.

It snowed like crazy this morning. Six to eight inches of snow! I didn't go outside all day today, and that was probably part of the problem.

I'm having a difficult time with Creative Memories right now. Nothing serious, just a low spot and I'm having a hard time getting motivated. Probably due in part to the job-layoff. The times that I really need to get motivated are the times that I find it the hardest to get motivated. What's up with that?

I'm also worried, in general. I'm taking every precaution I can right now to help us get through this. The King is very dedicated to finding a job. I'm really impressed with all the effort that he has put into this so far. I know that he will be successful, and ultimately we will be ok, but it is SO HARD. I am trying really, really hard not to keep wondering "Why us?" - but it is difficult. I am trying to stay positive, but today just hasn't been a good day for me.

I was also disappointed in MyPoints today. I went to redeem our points for a Wal-Mart gift card, only to find that they are not currently offering Wal-Mart gift cards! Argh! We probably have enough points for about $300 in gift cards. I can get them for Target, which is basically the same store, but ultimately, Wal-Mart's prices are lower day-in and day-out. Sometimes the cards vary from week-to-week, so maybe if I wait a couple of more weeks, Wal-Mart will be back. One can hope.

BTW, if you would like to join MyPoints, please ask me for a referral. You don't need a referral to join, but I'll get a few extra points with every person that I refer. It's a free program... they send you e-mails and you click on the links and in exchange they give you points. You get more points if you choose to buy something, but generally, you get points just for clicking. Ultimately, you cash in your points for gift certificates to an assortment of stores. We've earned several hundreds of dollars through this program... I've been a member of it for over 10 years. Crazy.

Anyway, today hasn't been a great day as far as I am concerned. The King was very kind and installed a new virus scan program and a new e-mail program for me. I like them well enough, but it will take some getting used to. On the plus side, I got rid of approximately 1000 email messages today. Never mind that I still have at least 6000 more to sort through. *LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!*

The Princess and The Dragon each had a friend come over to our house today - two girls from church who live within walking distance. I am grateful that they have friends to play with.

Tomorrow will be better.


Blogger Deb said...

Ohhh - I wish I were closer so I could bring you over a big slice of Texas Sheet Cake and just be a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. You've had such a positive attitude. It's okay to get down once in a while. You'll still be okay. Anything I can do?

PS: I'd love a referral for MyPoints when you get a minute. Thanks.

7:17 AM  
Blogger dubby said...

I love my points, get about a hundred fifty dollars worth of stuff a year off of them.

7:32 AM  

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