Friday, January 04, 2008

My Cat Likes French Fries And Cheerios

Aha, you came back for more. Just a short post today as I don't have very much to say.

George keeps searching the floor for "people" food. Today he found a french fry and a cheerio. He seems to like these types of food also.

Well, I think that Isepik is right. It's information that I used to know, but had forgotten in an effort to try and remember more important things (like where I put my keys). So, let's have some fun and test the theory.

This sentence was typed with one space between each word.
This sentence was typed with two space between each word.
This sentence was typed with three spaces between each word.
This sentence was typed with four spaces between each word.
This sentence was typed with five spaces between each word.
This sentence was typed with six spaces between each word.
This sentence was typed with seven spaces between each word.
This sentence was typed with eight spaces between each word.

I think we can safely assume that you can pretty much put in any number of spaces that you want and HTML will eat them for you.

How's this for a resolution? By the end of 2008, I would like my boobs to stick farther out than my stomach does. In order to accomplish this, I figure I will need to get a boob job. Or diet. Which would you choose?

Dance class started today for both The Princess and The Dragon. The girls were very excited, and looked really cute in their leotards and tights. And I forgot the camera. The Dragon said that she really likes it and that she did everything her teacher asked her two and she only needed help two times. The Princess said she liked it too and said that everything she learned was new. This is a good thing because she was acting like quite the know-it-all before she went.

The bad news is that we got the recital schedule today. The girls got put into different casts, so now I have two dress rehearsals and two performances to attend. The plus side is that each girl will get to watch her sister perform and see the entire performance. The "ballet" is the same - with some variances in the dances - but the kids should get the idea. My theory is that they did this so that I would have to buy two different DVD's of the performances. Hopefully they'll put both casts on ONE DVD. That would be nice.


Blogger King Isepik said...

YAY! Boobs! :)

6:47 PM  
Blogger Sherri said...

I love your blog! You make me laugh!! I wish my boobs stuck out farther too!

7:46 PM  
Blogger Misty said...

One of our cat eats just about any thing and every thing! He's been known to dumpster dive into the trash can, and he opens cabinets to pull food out! He's a royal pain in my keester!

7:52 AM  

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