Almost Over (... until NEXT year)
The last two weeks have been rather nightmarish for a variety of reasons.
One of those reasons has been ballet. But it's almost over!
Tonight, The Princess will be dancing her recital piece, and tomorrow afternoon, The Dragon will be dancing her recital piece.
I am very excited to see them perform (I am one proud Queen!), but I will also be happy to not have to worry about ballet for a couple of weeks... until they start taking lessons again for the months of June and July.
There won't be any "big" performances until this time next year... what a relief!
If you live in the area, I tried to send you an e-mail invite. If you didn't get it, you are still invited. Admission is free, no tickets are required - just contact me to get the exact "when and where" info. Might be a fun family activity... if you enjoy ballet. :)
I don't think I will make it I am sorry to say. Take lots of pictures.
I hope the performances went well. You have a lovely blog! :)
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